Fish & Olive Gallery is delighted to present an exhibition celebrating the Tara Ocean Project, the marine environmental protection expedition.

Romain Troublé, the Executive Director of the Tara Ocean Project will be honouring us by attending the opening of the exhibition.

Download the exhibition brochure

Curation of the exhibition:
Louisa Karapidaki
Archaeologist and Art Historian,
Head of the Museum Collection of the Hellenic Folklore Research Centre of the Academy of Athens

Major supporter of the event is the Goulandris Natural History Museum.

From the 29th of July 2023

About Tara Océan

The first foundation in France to be recognised as promoting the public interest dedicated to the ocean.

Deadly Twist by Jeffrey Siger

Celebrating our Gallery’s 20th anniversary by hosting the European debut presentation of the latest novel by our friend and acclaimed American author, Jeffrey Siger.

Painting of “Apano Kastro, Naxos” by Giorgos Saltaferos – 36x48cm

We are happy to announce that our friend artist Giorgos Saltaferos will participate in our special event celebrating Fish & Olive 20th anniversary, on August the 11th.


Fish & Olive | 20th Anniversary | 2000-2200

In memory of Peter Nicolaides, celebrating today 31st of May his birthday

The Deep Fish & Olive
Hull Deep Pottery

The collection of ceramics including vases, plates and tiles alongside magnificent photographs were on show from 1 November 2017 to 31 January 2018 and were the final instalment of The Deep’s City of Culture programme.

Giorgos Saltaferos |
At Fish & Olive Gallery until end of September 2018

Travel and outdoor writer Des Hannigan’s Atlantic Cornwall books, The Almost Island, The Long Deep, and The Shoal Ground will delight and inspire lovers of the sea and the great oceans of the world. These collections of prose and verse, with elegant thematic covers by Alexander Reichardt of Fish & Olive, Halki, Naxos, take the reader from the dramatic sea cliffs of Britain’s far western peninsula into a world shaped by its defining element, the Atlantic. Experience the extremes of land and sea in the company of fishermen, lighthouse keepers, coastguards, lifeboatmen, yacht sailors, rock climbers, writers, and artists amidst the compelling beauty and drama of an oceanic world rarely seen.

For more information about the books, check the website:

More Info